Friday, July 25, 2008

...Finally some sense

After a long long time, today I got the feeling that good old common sense is starting to take hold in Fiji.

In today's papers it is reported that the FRU has appointed Serevi to the position of Coach (and only coach) of the Fiji 7's team for the 2009 season, and most importantly to defend Fiji's 7's World Cup. Hooorrrayyy!!! Good job Rugby House.. Most of the Country will, like me, be breathing a huge sigh of relief. More importantly our hopes of having at least something good in Fiji to look forward to (ie a Rugby World Cup victory) next year will give us some strength to keep moving forward under the present very depressing circumstances.

Also today the press reports that PM has revoked the Water tax ..... Hooorrayy !! Hooorrraaayy!!! Finally the powers that be have put the foot down and said "enough is enough", and a stop has been put to an ill-conceived policy that would have acted to push the economy further into recession. Hopefully the Government can build on this and right a few more policy mis-steps to bring much needed confidence back into the business community. If this happens, it will not be long before the cheque books get reopened, and green-eyed entrepreneurs rejoin the mad scramble for investments in Fiji.

Go Fiji Go !
God Bless Fiji !!

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