...Hey !
I've decided to set up a personal blog after catching myself daily looking up cousin David's blog , checking out news of his travels in East Africa.
It's a good thing. I imagine it would keep the brain ticking over, and one's writing skills at least roughly tuned.
I had tried to setup a family blog earlier, but no one seems to have taken an interest in keeping this updated. Not totally a waste of effort or the family domain name though, as it could be useful later for making "official announcements".
I guess you differentiate between a "family blog" and a "personal blog" by the fact that you can't really say some things you want to in a family blog, without dragging every one else along with you - "tarring them with the same brush" - if you like.
...So here goes ... from now on - my observations (strictly personal to me of course) on things of interest that I happen across from time to time.
I've decided to set up a personal blog after catching myself daily looking up cousin David's blog , checking out news of his travels in East Africa.
It's a good thing. I imagine it would keep the brain ticking over, and one's writing skills at least roughly tuned.
I had tried to setup a family blog earlier, but no one seems to have taken an interest in keeping this updated. Not totally a waste of effort or the family domain name though, as it could be useful later for making "official announcements".
I guess you differentiate between a "family blog" and a "personal blog" by the fact that you can't really say some things you want to in a family blog, without dragging every one else along with you - "tarring them with the same brush" - if you like.
...So here goes ... from now on - my observations (strictly personal to me of course) on things of interest that I happen across from time to time.
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